Video: Russian Su-27 decisively drove out a brazen NATO fighter

31.01.2019, 17:29 4 277

Фото, видео :

The fourth-generation Russian multi-role fighter flawlessly carried out the maneuver and literally drove out an Alliance Air Force plane that got too close to the civilian side.

Netizens are actively discussing the video maneuver of the Russian Su-27 multi-role fighter on Thursday, January 31. The footage shows how a military plane of the North Atlantic alliance is flying near a civilian. At some point, one of the Russian fighters appears and, with a skillful maneuver, literally squeezes the brazenly approaching NATO plane to the side. Then after a few seconds, Su-27 repeats the maneuver. After that, NATO fighter was forced to get away at a decent distance. The video published on the Telegram channel "Siloviki".

Information has not yet been receiving about when this happened.

By the way, combat aircraft of the NATO Air Force began to approach to aircraft in particular of high-ranking officials of the Russian Federation. Earlier Channel 5 told about how the insolent NATO man accompanied the plane of the head of the Russian Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu and what came of it.